Abstract Book Health Equity for All: Advancing SDGs Achievement through Collaborative Innovation

This Abstract Book includes the written version of contributions presented and the event process during the International Nursing & Health Science Student & Health Care Professional Conference 2023 (INSHP 2023). This book is entitled Health Equity for All: Advancing SDGs Achievement through Collaborative Innovation. This program was conducted in UNHAS Hotel & Convention Makassar-Indonesia from August 29 to 30, 2023.

The conference offered and provided a setting for presenting and discussing recent issues, topics, and developments in a variety of scopes including Nursing, Physiotherapy, and allied Health Sciences; Specialty in Nursing, Physiotherapy & rehabilitation, Global Health Nursing Transcultural Nursing, Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, Complementary & Alternative Medicine (CAM), Health Service & Research, Access to Health Care, Patient Safety/ Patient-centered Care Health Service during a Pandemic, Management of Covid-19 patients, Healthcare System & Policy, Health Informatics, and Psychometric Study or Scale Development in Nursing & Health Science. This conference gave excellent chances for speakers and participants who come from Australia, Japan, Malaysia, and some areas and provinces in Indonesia to present and discuss topics in their expertise and interest research areas.

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Elly Lilianty Sjattar
Saldy Yusuf
Kadek Ayu Erika
Yuliana Syam
Rosyidah Arafat
Suni Hariati
Andina Setyawati
Nuurhidayat Jafar
Yudi Hardianto

Tata Letak

Muhammad Ihlasul Amal




xxx + 60


I, 2023


Unhas Press




Andina Setyawati

Nurnianingsih A. Yasin

Saldy Yusuf

Silvia Malasari


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